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Thursday, September 30, 2010
                                              My dearest cheese rat, Lava~
                                      When are we meeting up !?!?!?! Like seriously~
                              It's been like what ?!? Donkey weeks or should I say AGES !?
                                                  DAMN GURRRL... :(
                            YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I MISS YOU LAH !!!!!!
                                                 (INFINITY MUCH?)
                             You better get yo ass to meet me soon okay !?
                                I miss our rubbish talks, lame jokes & all..
                                                  and mainly YOU !!!
                                     Oh & we'll camwhore soon kay !? :D hehehe,
                                           Ma little cheese on my prata~!
                                                Heart you lots, girrrl !

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
For Nazihah,
Remember this picha we took at Lott 1 ? The day we ate cold rocks together ?
We didn't really care if we're gonna grow fatter cos it tasted so good and went, Nom nom nom...
Hahah ! Anyways,
The fun times we had were unforgettable, & that's why after the weeks/months passed by, I started to miss you, miss us alot !!! Who we used to be. I bet you didn't know that ):
& The photographs you took for me ? You should be famous, cos your photography skills are more than amazing !!!
Ohh, & this picha,

It was the day I was at your house after taking photographs or something ?
Hahah, & I miss this alot, 'AKUUUU NAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK~!!!'
Our favourite verse.
& All those silly things we girls used to do !
I'm so glad we can finally talk things out & patch our beautiful friendship we used to have <3
Get well soon, cupcakes ! I'm sure your poxxies will go down in no time ! (:
Drink lotsa water too, now it's not only me hahah !
Love you lots,
 & last but not least thank you for helping me with the layout.
Rest well !


Monday, September 20, 2010

Have always loved Ne-yo's songs,
But this one is one of e best !!!
The video is Oh-so-cuteeeee & Sweet much ?!
Oh em gee, if only someone could sing this for me..

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

One of my favourites right nw (:
Sucha sad & meaningful song ;
Taeyang-Wedding dress.
Gotta love him & his dance moves too !
I call it, dope.

If only there was a female version of this. Hm ?

Saturday, September 11, 2010
Hello, my lovely people !
I'm bck to blogging as you can see (:
Hehee, I'm so eggcited !!!
& I'm really very Grateful & Thankful for this one lovely person for helping me edit my blog,

Love you babyg~

Also went out with, Nixie today <3
Pretty awesome shitzxz as we got to try Koi bubble tea at Bugis, Iluma for e first time evaaa~ !
It's originally from Hong kong, Pretty Famous Bubble tea brand.
So apparently, Nixie claimed that It's a MUST try it !!!
So here ya go~


Nixie ordered just a Plain Jane, Milk tea ! ( Sorry babe, but it goes with the flow ) ;P
& I ordered, Hazlenut Milk tea cos everyone knows that Hazelnut's my fav !
So anyways, we both ordered it as 50% Sugar level & after trying it, we both said that we should
have ordered 70% for more thrill ! Or even 100% next time ! 
Woots~ We're gonna try the Ice-cream bubble tea next time aite ? 
Teehee, Love you babyg !


You never fail to make my day ! <3
Alrighty that's abt all for today.
I shall keep my vow to Ross, to update my blog for often aite ?
Love ya'll,
Take care !

Friday, September 10, 2010
This blog is still under Construction.